
First Prize and Gold Medal won for Ascolana variety from Mario Solinas Competition in Madrid 2021. Domaine Um Aljanna was the first Tunisian producer that got this prize from such…

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2 Medals won from International Olive Oil Competition Los Angeles: 1 Silver Medal the packaging and 1 Bronze Medal for Koroneiki variety

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In March 2022, Bizerta Agri Industry participated to the Tuniso Egyptian Forum and B2B meetings that took 3 days in Cairo in cooperation with Packtec and the Tunisian Embassy in…

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Participation of Bizerta Agri Industry in collaboration with the chamber of commerce of Bizerte to the Tuniso Lybian Exhibition in Tripoli in May 2022

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A Silver Medal won from New York International Olive Oil Competition for Blended Olive Oil (mix of different varieties of the Domaine)

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